Alternative Investment Opportunities


Boulder Investment Group (BIG) is a volunteer-run investment club, comprising 900+ investors interested in furthering their knowledge of alternatives and gaining access to attractive deal flow. 87% of members are QPs, and collective net worth exceeds $20 billion. Our members have invested over $1.3 billion in past offerings presented to BIG.

BIG does not charge annual membership dues. Rather, it functions thanks to a strong community of investor volunteers who refer their best performing sponsors, screen deal applications, and coordinate all aspects of showcasing the most promising opportunities.


BIG is steeped in the notion that a group of sophisticated investors with compatible financial goals can attract a greater number of choice opportunities than they can individually. Our group only considers offerings that one or more members have already invested in—and earned a solid return.


Pitch Meetings

BIG hosts virtual events via Zoom every six weeks to showcase two specific investment opportunities. Since BIG’s 2009 inception, 225+ offerings have been presented, with over half of our members investing in at least one. Occasionally, members will receive a One-Off email communique regarding an attractive investment opportunity that cannot fit into BIG’s presentation schedule.



Featured presenters are not only fund managers, general partners, and company founders, but also respected asset-class experts. Because our members value educational sessions as much as deal pitches, past presenters have included an economist, a global market strategist, an estate-planning attorney, a CPA, an independent corporate trustee, and a property and casualty insurance agency, as well as authorities from a myriad of other fields.

Investment Minimums


Because members invest individually, BIG requires that presenting entities set minimums not to exceed $250,000. Most sponsors require minimums of only $50,000-$100,000 to encourage initial investments.

BIG’s Preferred Asset Classes

Our members typically favor cash-flowing, longer-term, illiquid investments. Below are BIG’s target asset classes, along with examples of past sponsors. Click the + buttons to expand each section.

  • Monarch (multifamily), Forum (development), AIC Ventures (industrial), Seneca (mobile home communities), Grubb Properties (QOZs), Origin (QOZs), Reliant (self-storage), Clairmont Capital (Co-GP), Banyan (lodging), NexCore (Healthcare), Quannah Partners (value-add), NexMetro (SF rental)

  • CAZ Investments, Revelstoke Capital Partners, Clarion Capital, TPE Boulder, Manhattan West

  • Regan Capital (RMBS), Ovation Partners (multi-asset, private credit), LotusGroup (life settlement), Millstreet (high yield L-S fund), The DRL Group (muni bonds)

  • Techstars, Blackhorn, Matchstick, FirstMile, Range, Mantis, Hawke, Bow River

  • Indicate Capital, Coulton Creek Capital, Thorofare Capital, Forum Capital Advisors

  • Ascent EV (energy), Ibex (Israel), Fourthstone (Banking)

  • Dry Fly Capital, Modern Market, Surefoot